Time Wasters Anonymous - celebrity news makes me feel dirty

Time Wasters Anonymous - celebrity news makes me feel dirty

I just got my fill of all the latest developments in the world of celebrities. I went to nearly 7 minutes without stopping, giving free rein to my seedy side with all the news about someone who is someone famous. Why me? I believe not.

Maybe I'm just bored. No, maybe I'm a sick voyeur. In any case, every time I see all that tabloid (which now appears in all the tabloids are not as well), it makes me feel a little dirty. It is very poor value for money. I am glad that you and I are not what make this kind of news. Or ... Do we want to be? We will not go there.

I will not name names, but you know that all the pieces and actresses I mean. So many scandals and false relationship pas head spinning. Then the harsh reality sets in: what the hell am I doing?

I do not care one iota. Yet here I am again reading all this garbage of a person who has no personal interest in, and it does not take me. Could not be better met my time much more productive? Why yes, yes it could.

I love the Internet, even when I suck in ways I'd rather not go. I have many hopes and dreams tied up in the web. I want to be an entrepreneur in flames, a comedy writer, and a video nut disrespect (well, I am now, and I can not seem to stop doing some of the dumbest vid out there. But is very funny). Oh, and of course, never give a man a video camera for a gift. You rarely see him again.

I think the truth is that I am a shameless self-promotion crazy. However, I think that is what you have to run the risk that if ever to make a name for yourself. And maybe I'm just kidding myself. You may still be a raving success without anyone knowing who you are. I think my style is what I am shameless. Therefore, I have to accept it and move on.

I'm constantly working towards my goals each. And I do not think you have it in me to quit sometime. And as we all know, the journey always seems to exceed the target. And, it's a fun journey though I'm in, if I may say so.

Enough about me. More than enough. Except that if I can make this trip, so you can, my friend. The hills are alive with the sound of ... countless opportunities. So go out and make it happen. All you have to do is determine what "" is. And you can do today.

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